Class AbstractOutbound

  • public abstract class AbstractOutbound
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractOutbound

        public AbstractOutbound()
    • Method Detail

      • send

        public abstract Response send​(Message message)
        The method run your outbound process for sending a message
        message - is the message to be sent
        type of Response
      • checkStatus

        public abstract StatusEnum checkStatus​(Map<String,​Object> config)
        The method run as a periodical by a times, in this method, you should check your plugin status
        config - includes the plugin configurations, the config parameter a key-value list
        type of StatusEnum
      • initialize

        public abstract void initialize​(Map<String,​Object> config)
        The method run when the application is starting in this method you can do all your initialize process.
        config - includes the plugin configurations, the config parameter a key-value list
      • destroy

        public abstract void destroy()
        The method is run when the application is closed, in this method you can do all your destructions process.
      • register

        public abstract void register()
        The method is run when the plugin installed, in this method you can do all your register process.
      • unregister

        public abstract void unregister()
        The method is run when the plugin uninstalled, in this method you can do all your unregister process.
      • setConfig

        public final void setConfig​(Map<String,​Object> config)
      • getUUID

        public final String getUUID()